Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fast Fashion Files: Rod Keenan/Harlem NY

16Apr09: Harlem, NYC: Even if hats aren't your "thing" there is no denying the hotness that is Rod Keenan NY. Keenan produces men's hats (which we totally believe can be worn in unisex) that are innovative and fashion forward. We won't name drop the celebrities who wear the line but we should tell you that this line has never advertised and never needed to. When you know, you know (big wink)! We love it, plus we're always partial to fellow FIT alum's - yey Rod!

For more information go to:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just One More Reason To Love NY......Brooklyn Baby!

7April09, NYC: As if my blues for Brooklyn couldn't get any deeper, Bond No.9 New York introduces an ode to Brooklyn in a favored scent of grapefruit, cardamom and juniper berry to name a few. Think art, fashion, seduction and dessert in a liquid form. If you are already a fan of Bond's must-have's smell goods (Chinatown is our absolute fave) then you will not be disappointed. If your a newbie, welcome - you are going to love it.
This bottle is screaming - "No. Sleep. 'Til Brooklyn" - nuff said
Sold exclusively at Sak's Fifth Avenue.
For more info or to get a cute sample wrapped like candy, go to: or ask the annoying perfume lady at Sak's smiling at you and waiting to spritz you down when you enter the store - have fun kiddies!

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